Subscribe Our YouTube to Win Rewards12-11

Dear strikers, take part in our YouTube event by subscribing to our official channel. Each number of subscribers contains different rewards. Subscribe now to win awesome rewards!!

List of rewards per subscribers:
500 subscribers:
mutation package (7 days)
750 subscribers:
30 gold, 300 artifact shards
1000 subscribers:
50 gold, old map reopen: Park
1500 subscribers:
80 golden + heroic pack (7 days)
2000 subscribers:
100 gold, 30* Stamina+50, heroic package (15 days)

1. rewards will be sent 48 hours after the event.
2. rewards will be sent via the mail box in-game, no need to comment your IGN in the comments

Event duration:
Dec. 11th - Dec. 23th 2018

YouTube link:

Thank you for your support!

Global Strike Team